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What uControl Brings You in a Wholesale Telecom Portal

Ever since someone figured out that you can run a wholesale telecom business through a web portal, we’ve worked hard to make our uControl portal the best wholesale telecom portal there is. It augments channel capacity, manages LNP (local number portability), orders DIDs (direct inward dial), monitors utilisation, and it’s made of candy. Okay, that’s a slight exaggeration—you’ll have to bring your own candy. But everything else we said? uControl can do that.

Until we figure out how to make uControl dispense bubble gum, you’ll just have to be satisfied with using uControl to see a complete overview of your services and accounts. But it does more than that. Here are the straight facts: You can use uControl to see every single invoice you have, along with your accounts receivable, on-demand. You can use it to look at graphs and charts of all your usage. You can use it to see your call ratings, usage, and basically every calling statistic you can think of. You can use it to control your security by restricting access to specific static IP addresses and ranges. And you can use it to fully automate all activity because uControl’s functionality is available through our API.

Look, it’s too bad we can’t figure out how to make uControl give out candy on demand. We’re sad about that too. But uControl does a dozen other things that make it a truly excellent wholesale telecom portal.

Self Serve (in Real Time)

Tired of waiting to hear back from your current wholesale provider when you’re adding capacity, pushing changes, or need a utilization report? Don’t be tired. Be annoyed, because you shouldn’t have to wait for stuff like that. It’s your SIP setup, right? You should have control. You should be able to look at your usage charts and statistics whenever you want. You should be able to download call detail records. You should be able to view your invoices. You should be able to add, delete, or port numbers without calling your provider.

That’s why everything in uControl is presented in real time. You can move quickly and efficiently when you have everything uControl offers at your fingertips. The point of a good wholesale telecom portal is to make deploying and managing your wholesale business instantly and easy, allowing you to focus on managing your end customer. So log in and scale up on the fly, no email request, paperwork, or signatures needed.

DID Redundancy

Our Surecall service is the ultimate failover solution. It allows you to provision call forwarding numbers to your Distributel DIDs in the event you experience an issue with your connectivity or switch. SureCall guarantees DID uptime and can be positioned as a value-add with your end customers, ensuring they maintain network uptime.

Channel Bursting Management

What does a network do with call spikes? Here’s what it should do: make sure the calls go through. That’s why our wholesale SIP trunks are provisioned with an extra 50% capacity at no monthly cost. When demand spikes, the extra capacity allows for channel bursting. The extra space resides in on your trunk groups to protect against call spikes but only costs you money if it’s actually used. Busy signals are crippling to any business. That’s why we work hard to prevent them with channel bursting.

Our Final Thought

When you’re looking for a new carrier, you should look for one that offers a good dashboard that serves all your wholesale telecom needs. Your dashboard should be an administrative portal that allows you to easily set up, maintain, and understand your business. What do your day-to-day operations look like now? What does your dream portal look like? Feel free to tell us about it in the comments below. And don’t worry—we haven’t given up on the candy thing.

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