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10 Things You Need to Discuss at ITW

The world is reopening and International Telecoms Week (ITW) is back in its new home at the Gaylord National Resort & Convention Center in National Harbor, MD, near Washington DC. The theme in 2021 is “global connectivity reimagined” and Distributel Wholesale is delighted to participate. 

This year’s edition is even more important as show organizers are working to create a buzz around finding new ways to bring the global telecom industry back together in a hybrid show format using both in-person and online activities for a truly blended experience. We are excited to join you at ITW in person and discuss the issues that will propel your business forward.

What are the topics we want to discuss? Here are our top conversation themes.


Your carrier partner provides a secure, reliable, and high-performing network that your customers need and expect. How many rate centres does your wholesale carrier partner offer? Are they growing? Do they have plans to expand into rural and underserviced areas?

Network Reliability

What’s a reliable network? Aside from exceptional uptime, network reliability means a proven history of doing business. In a volatile industry, decades of service means something.

Local Porting

Why should your Canadian carrier partner have porting teams that work in Canada instead of from an office on the other side of the world? Because a local porting team will have personal relationships with other carriers to get the job done faster.

LNP Best Practices

Name and address mismatch. Stranded services. Incorrect carrier or reseller. These pitfalls of porting can be avoided if your wholesale carrier partner keeps up with LNP best practices and, more importantly, is willing to help educate you when you’re onboarded.

Real-Time Porting

Real-time porting is the future. Estimated timeframes for porting are becoming a thing of the past and thank goodness. From now on, porting should be done with a click of a button.

Best in Class Portal

Does your portal allow you to see every single invoice you have? What about graphs and charts of all your usage? Call ratings? Can you use your portal to control security by restricting specific static IP addresses and ranges? And here’s the big question: can you use it to fully automate all your activity?

Real Time Self Service

It’s 2021. Therefore, it’s ridiculous to have to wait to hear back from your wholesale carrier when you want to add capacity, push changes, or even just look at a utilization report. Not only should your usage portal display all that stuff, you should see it in real time.

Channel Bursting

Many carriers pay for up to 50% more capacity than they need. That’s a lot. But by configuring your SIP trunks with courtesy capacity, you can “channel burst” and only pay for the extra capacity when you use it.

DID Redundancy

Problems at your network are problems for your customers, which can lead to problems with your business. But when you have DID redundancy, you can provision call forwarding numbers that kick in automatically, providing you with an automatic failover solution.

Global Connectivity

What does it mean to be connected in 2021? We’ve just come through a radical rethink in connectivity—both businesses and families suddenly had to rely on video chat for a huge percentage of their communication. Will we continue embracing these new tools? What will people expect and demand from the businesses that keep them connected?

We are looking forward to discussing how Distributel Wholesale’s product suite is best suited to meet the technical and operational demands of your telecom offering in Canada. The ITW Event Networking Platform is now open. Book a meeting with us today!

#ITW2021 | #KeepingTheWorldConnected

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